St Lawrence College Transfer Agreements

St. Lawrence College Transfer Agreements: A Guide for Prospective Students

If you`re considering attending St. Lawrence College, it`s important to know that the school has a number of transfer agreements in place with other institutions. These agreements allow students to transfer credits they earn at St. Lawrence to another school, or to transfer credits they have already earned at another school to St. Lawrence.

Having a transfer agreement in place can be a great benefit for students, as it can save them time and money by allowing them to complete their degree at a faster pace and at a lower cost. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at some of the transfer agreements that St. Lawrence College has in place.

1. Ontario Colleges Collaborative Program (OCCP)

The OCCP is a program that allows students to complete a two-year diploma program at one Ontario college and then transfer to another Ontario college to complete their degree. St. Lawrence College is one of the participating colleges, which means that students who complete a diploma program at St. Lawrence can transfer to another Ontario college to complete their degree.

2. University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)

St. Lawrence College has a transfer agreement in place with UOIT that allows students to transfer credits from certain diploma programs at St. Lawrence to UOIT`s Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Information Technology programs. This agreement can be a great option for students who are interested in pursuing a degree in these fields.

3. Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)

St. Lawrence College has a partnership with RMC that allows students who have completed a diploma program at St. Lawrence to transfer to RMC`s Honours Bachelor of Military Arts and Science program. This program is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the armed forces.

4. Athabasca University

St. Lawrence College has a transfer agreement in place with Athabasca University that allows students to transfer credits earned at St. Lawrence to Athabasca`s Bachelor of Professional Arts program. This program is a great option for students who are interested in pursuing a degree in a flexible, online environment.

5. University of Ottawa

St. Lawrence College has a transfer agreement in place with the University of Ottawa that allows students who have completed a diploma program at St. Lawrence to transfer to the University of Ottawa`s Telfer School of Management. This program is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a degree in business.

These are just a few of the transfer agreements that St. Lawrence College has in place. If you`re interested in attending St. Lawrence and transferring to another school to complete your degree, be sure to talk to an academic advisor to learn more about your options. With these transfer agreements in place, you can be sure that you`ll be able to find a program that meets your needs and helps you reach your goals.